The Road Jess Traveled

3D Platformer collectathon video game (work in progress)
Developed in C# using Unity and Blender
3D Platformer collectathon video game (work in progress)
Developed in C# using Unity and Blender
Simple 2D platformer made in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2025. I was in charge of all programming. Made in C# with Unity.
Procedurally generates 3D planet models with randomization using seeding. Developed in JavaScript using THREE.js and HTML.
Allows a user to play card games, including Blackjack and War. Developed in C# using .NET 5, Razor, and HTML. Deployed in a Docker container using Heroku.
Web application for curating and organizing video game collections Enables users to create and curate their libraries, allowing them to easily see at a glance what their collection looks like or simply share information about their collection with others Provides users with more useful information about their owned library by querying the Internet Games Database (IGDB) API Developed with C#, .NET Core, Entity Framework, JSON, HTML
Final project for LC101. CRUD program developed with C#, .NET Core, Entity Framework, HTML